Judging by these movie posters, looks like there will be some cool styling and wardrobe.

OK, so I went to see this, and to be honest, I wasn't that blown away. I expected a better storyline..........To me it was a bit long and disjointed in places, but you know, for others it's a banger. I will say that Eva Mendes looked GREAT in all her glory as Sans Saref, but Scarlett Johannsen didn't do anything for me, I felt she looked really uncomfortable and she didn't pull off the sexy assistant to mad Octopus manager role to me!
Costumes killed it though!!
Costumes killed it though!!
Well it has Samuel L Jackson, Scarlett Johanson and Eva Mendes so it must be pretty splendid.
Personally I can't wait for Wolverine!
That is true! Wolverine, don't know about that...But I do LOVE Wolverine!
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