"In this ambitious work, Hans Silvester turns his photographic eye toward ancient Africa, the birthplace of humanity. Silvester was essentially adopted by his subjects during his travels, and his stunning color photographs present a rare, intimate view of their world."

"The first volume of this deluxe two-volume set presents the everyday lives of the Omo people, their rituals, parades, children’s games, and even their battles. In the second volume, each photograph becomes a masterpiece of abstract art, revealing close-ups of the tribes’ traditional body paintings. Silvester’s accompanying text traces his journey to the Horn of Africa, revealing the fascinating beauty of a world now in danger of extinction."

These photos are amazing!! It puts any kind of originality you profess to have to shame really.......These people are not aware of what is going on elsewhere in the world, and to have such a crazy style using natural resources amazes me. If the book wasn't so expensive i'd have it by now. If your feelin a little flash, or you got extra christmas money, buy the book
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