This week, I am going for something a bit off my radar. And it comes from Quadron....It was one of those random strolls through a random blog when I came across the duo, and the sound kind of reminded me of Lykke Li from Sweden, who was introduced to me by Drake on 'Little Bit', and I'm really feeling her voice. So I thought, let me illegally download this, and see what happens!
Me was impressed!
Quadrons stated goal with the debut is to give the soul scene a vitamin boost and provide an alternative to the american R'n'B that is dominating the charts. They call their music electronic soul, mixing the sound of hand-played instruments with the benefits of today's computer-related techniques. - MyspaceSo, Quadron. They are made up of Coco and Robin, who both were part of the soul collective "Boom Clap Bachelors", and in 2008 they decided to pair up and make some Denmark style R'n'B music. I think I could get into this Nordic scene, I shall call it Nordic-B I think?!
Pressure by Quadron from Daniel Kragh-Jacobsen on Vimeo.
Hit up the myspace for some sweet icy sounds! Also buy the album for a mere £10 from itunes by clicking here. (You'll need to change to the denmark store, but itunes'll do it for you!)
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