Firstly, I just want to say that this post is as much big brother-unrelated as it can be!!!
But I was just reading about how Lady Sovereign has slyly become a representative of the sportswear brand Lazy Oaf by wearing some of their garments, and ditching the Adidas tracksuits (sad times!) so I thought I'd post about it and pad it out.
I am not personally a HUGE fan of their stuff but can see what others see......They have some quite funky lil numbers, but it's all a bit too girly for my tastes. Regardless, Lady Sovereign has done them some favours by highlighting the brand who will be appearing at Margin Tradeshow which is where you need to be on the 14th and 15th Feb if your a buyer or just generally interested in what's poppin in the Urban fashion world.

Back to Lazy Oaf, the label has a flagship in Soho, London and is stocked by over 150 stores worldwide, including Selfridges and Paris boutique Colette. So one of these places is where you need to head to get buying or hit up the website.
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