Friday, December 04, 2009

Good marketing

Im sure you lot all remember (especially the fellas) the Wonderbra ad back int he 90's with Eva Herzigova? Which im pretty sure is the reason we were all rockin the satin suits with our push up bras on, à la Spice Girls- dont act like you werent on that! Well anyway here's the ad to jog your memory banks

Well some clever people over at Gossard have rinsed the idea and came up with this-

Gota admit tho I like the Wonderbra one better- it just felt right for the time.  

PS- notice how Eva, who was once of the worlds biggest supermodels, actually has some boobs and a bit of meat on her bones- 2009 supermodels take note!! ANDDD the Gossard pic looks photshopped to fuck where as the Wonderbra ad is looking a lil less modified.


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